BUKTI TERKINI - Stonehenge

Aerial view of Stonehenge

Stonehenge circa 1000BC

                       1000BC, Completion

Pesky Druids
Druids Worshipping on Midsummer

Tourists thronging Stonehenge

Hippies and Mystics at Stonehenge

View of Heel Stone

Sunrise behind Heel Stone on Summer Solstice
Sun hovering behind Heel Stone, Summer Solstice
In other words, the ongoing fertility myth could be that by their annual mating God and Goddess guaranteed the success, the safety and the fertility of the people's uncertain world which was forever at risk from sterility, weather, disease and wild animals.  It was an act of expressing in stone and light the concept of the Marriage of the Gods, a belief that was certainly widespread throughout the Ancient World in one form or another.

Sun's shadow penetrates Stonehenge
Sun's shadow penetrating
 Bayang-bayang yg dihasilkan adalah berbentuk piramid.. salah 1 tanda2 dajal. 

illuminati.jpg illuminati image by Plague405

illuminati atau lebih dikenali sebagai anti-kristian...

illuminati atau anti-kristian merupakan sesuati organisasi yang bergerak secara halus didalam pelbagai pemtadbiran baik dari  organisasi kerajaan atau pun swasta. Tujuaan utama nya adalah untuk persiapan terhadap the new order serta kedatangan-nya.



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